McVein Report: Zappa* In Who’s Crappa

From: “McVein”
Subject: McVein Report: Zappa* In Who’s Crappa?
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 10:42:46 -0500
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1. “Tonight’s the night…”
2. Jazzmaster Flash
3. Happy Hour is Back Again
4. Conserve Energy, Help America Fight Terror
5. “Zoot Allures”

1. In the word’s of the rusted one himself, Neil Young says, “Tonight’s the night…” Kevin McKinney’s response, “Same unusual suspects in the line up.” Of course he’s talking about the Saxon Pub where you can find Patrice Pike from 8-10p (great rock and roll grrrrl), Kevin’s Freakout Four 10p-12a (they’ll tell you what its all about) and Seth Walker (killer blues rock guitar). So come early, stay late, but most of all, bring a friend.

2. Tonight is also the night of the Jazzmaster guitar. Les Paul night was a grand one, but that danged golden splendor of rock would not stay tuned. So, we’re hoping for a little better luck with the Jazzmaster, purchased with the proceeds from New Year Eve ’93-’94. An extra special thanks to anyone who was at Liberty Lunch for that show!

3. The FREE Happy Hour and a Half returns to Antone’s this Thursday. Hear your favorite Shat Records tune, sing along to lost Earthpig greats, and keep shout out a Soulhat request, and you just may get it.

4. With the ensuing war in Iraq and general oil prices on the rise, we in McVeinland are encouraging car pooling to the show. The idea line is open; the initial idea is a drive-in theater rate of $10 a car load. What do you think McVeiniacs? Conserve, conserve, conserve…

*Frank Zappa’s “Zoot Allures” is the Official McVein Choice Album of the Week. The first person to answer all of these questions correctly will get into the show of their choice for free:

1- What never stops?
2- Who is wonderful?
3- How many finger references are on the album?

Thank you and goodnight,
The Associate